Tip#9 | Plan to indulge everyday | 20 days, 20 ways to get fit for spring

Chocolate Banana Ice Cream (1 of 1)

Key word being “plan”.

What do you crave? What makes your mouth water?

For me it’s without a doubt dark chocolate. It feeds me on a deeper level, and makes me feel like I’m living the good life.

I’ve carved out space in my diet (forget the bread!) to have some after lunch and dinner, every single day. If I don’t, I munch mindlessly on my quest to replicate that level of satisfaction.

If your vice is more potent like ice cream, see if a daily bite is enough to indulge you. Fat chance? Then find a better-for-you version. The one in this shot is my chocolate “ice cream” made from a frozen banana, a spoonful of cocoa powder and splash of almond milk. Insanely good. Way better for you.

When we choose to eat spontaneously (lookin’ at you, blindly staring into the cupboard) we’re prone to choosing whatever’s easiest. When we plan ahead we choose better.

Pick your daily “poison” and enjoy it. It’ll make your healthy eating strategy so much more sustainable and delicious.
#springiton #indulge #chocolate


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